13th December 2020

Dear All,

Very Loving Sairam & Greetings from Prasanthi Nilayam!

We received your emails. Very glad that all of you chose to communicate with Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust directly. The dedication and commitment to Bhagawan’s mission is very evident in all the letters. We firmly believe that Swami only, by His divine will, has brought us together now for the first time in the History of Sai Organizations. Infact, I got emotional  when most of you started letters by introducing yourselves. How could we, brothers and sisters, be like strangers for so long? And I got a feeling of  distance while reading some of the letters. We are all children of SAI. How can we be so disconnected? Perhaps this gap is what Swami wanted to bridge and guided  us on this path . For the  very first time we are coming to know most of you through these letters and frankly we are having your contact details only now! God’s ways are mysterious and Swami has decided to bring us together though not on a note of mutual trust. But everything has its  beginning and we have started to connect. We will build trust, unity, harmony, peace and Love. This is the best gift for all of us from Swami on His 95th Birthday.

Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust (SSSCT) has been very supportive of every program of SSSIO at Prasanthi Nilayam. Many seniors know how much we go out of our way to make you feel completely at home. We never say no to anything that is required at Prasanthi Nilayam.

There was a proposal from SSSIO that there should be a world class convention centre at Prasanthi Nilayam, so that it will be very convenient for overseas devotees to conduct their programs, seminars, conferences etc. SSSCT had agreed to consider the proposal. The implementation was a bit getting delayed. Dr. Reddy reminded us a couple of times about the Central Trust promise to make a world class convention centre available for SSSIO programs. Immediately we took action and asked our engineers to draw up plans, selected a site and approved a budget of US $ 3 million dollars to construct a beautiful convention centre. It is going to be ready in the next 6 to 8 months time. This is the love and respect Central Trust gives to SSSIO. We always extended unconditional  support to SSSIO.

The Trustees of SSSCT have carefully gone through the concerns expressed by all of you. Some times, lack of communication and sometimes miscommunication creates unnecessary misgivings . This is very evident from some of the letters. The language used  is  disrespectful and hurtful. I am very sure that our beloved Swami would have  straight away disapproved any such acts in His organisation.  I wonder who spread the message that the Central Trust has planned to take over the World Foundation and PrasanthiCouncil ? This is absolutely false and no true Sai devotee should indulge in such a sacrilege.  But, brothers and sisters, we only saw the intent and the intensity of the involvement in each one of you and passion for SAI. Hence, we  have no hard feelings at all. But this has made us feel the need to unite, more than before.

Dear brothers and sisters, we all respect and love Dr.Narendranath Reddy. He has been serving as Chairman, SSSIO for nearly 10 years and he has done a marvellous job so far. Many of you may not know that we, the members of Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust who appointed Dr.Narendranath Reddy as the Chairman SSSIO.  I remember way back in 2011, Dr Reddy came to me seeking our support and as a younger brother, most willingly I extended full support for his appointment. Mr. S.V. Giri, Mr. V.Srinivasan, Mr. H.J. Dora and myself facilitated the entire discussions and the  transition. When Dr. Michael Goldstein was replaced by Dr.Reddy, we received a barrage of letters. Our mail boxes were full with letters accusing us of dislodging a person appointed by Swami. Many even abused us saying that we had betrayed Swami and insulted and humiliated Dr. Goldstein. I went into self doubt for a few weeks. I used to feel very sad, not because I  supported Dr. Reddy, or played a part in replacing Dr.Goldstein but for dislodging Dr. Goldstein who was appointed by Swami Himself. That feeling of guilt haunted me for a long time. I felt relieved only when Dr. Goldstein acknowledged with “Sairam” when I wished him “Sairam”, maybe after four or five years. Funny part is that now again we have received criticism from some of those who had written letters then!

I used to fervently Pray to Swami to guide us and clear the air. As time passed and things settled down, Dr. Reddy handled the assignment very well and we moved on. So I appeal to all of you; let us not be in a hurry to jump into wrong conclusions. Organisations outlast individuals. Many of you were not in the positions of the organisation 2 years or 4 years back. You may not hold the office after 2 years or 4 years from now. Same will be the case with the Trustees of SSSCT. But we will always remain devotees of our beloved SAI. Old order gives way to the New. That is the law of nature. So it is important that we work with love and mutual respect which upholds the name of Sri Sathya Sai.

Dear brothers and sisters, Coming to the announcement of the Sri Sathya Sai Global Council, the very purpose is to bring more unity and harmony amongst all Sai Organizations in the world which includes India and Prasanthi Nilayam. I must inform you all that this is not in any way disruptive operation. Certainly not a power game as expressed by some of the brothers. This proposal was shared with Dr. Narendranath Reddy and Mr. Nimish Pandya much before the announcement on 23rd, November 2020. The First invitation was extended to both of them to be members of Sri Sathya Sai Global Council and the Executive Committee along with a few trustees of SSSCT. So hostile takeovers and planned takeovers are nothing but pigments of confused imagination. Who can take over whom, in a spiritual, voluntary organisation? We all are here because we are taken over by the only One, the most loving God, Sri Sathya Sai. Individuals are not above the organisation which bears the name “Sri Sathya Sai”. Let us not lose our vision and let us be focused only on Swami, with full faith.

I thank brother Nimish Pandya who received this announcement very positively and welcomed it wholeheartedly. He also made very valid suggestions which we had missed out and we immediately have incorporated those very useful recommendations.

I thank brother Suresh Govind and many others who welcomed the formation of Sri Sathya Sai Global Council and they have  suggested a mutual  consultation process. I thank Mr. William Harvey who truly reflected Swami’s principles in his letter and gave suggestions of a wide consultation process to take things forward. His advice of not rushing through any decision is well received by all of us. Many of you have expressed similar sentiments and on a lighter note even some words, sentences, paragraphs and entire letters were just identical. Of course, we all are united in spirit !

On behalf of the Central Trust, I would like to clarify and confirm a few things:
Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust will  work only for the cause of Sai Mission and support Sai Organizations both in India or abroad. Consultations will be held with all the responsible stakeholders before the final working relationship is agreed upon. All the Sai Organization office bearers and functionaries will continue their work for the Lord Sri Sathya Sai, unhindered without interference in their Countries and Zones. Sri Sathya Sai Global Council will function only as a unifying body of all organisations. Sri Sathya Sai Global Council has been set up with the sole purpose of ensuring the Integrity and Continuity of all Sai Organizations in the long run. Sri Sathya Sai Global Council office at Prasanthi Nilayam will be coordinating agency for all Prasanthi Nilayam connected programs by the organisations.

Dear brothers and sisters, I saw a few references to a document (2006) relating to the charter of SSSIO. The whole idea of Sri Sathya Sai Global Council has been initiated only to  implement and fulfil the instructions of Bhagawan. This process started only after realising that we haven’t implemented Bhagawan’s instructions.This step is in a way to follow the master in every possible way in His servitude. I promise before our beloved Swami that we are following His directions to the last letter. I will share Swami’s views in His own divine melodious voice, very soon.

Brothers and sisters, be rest assured that there will be no change as far as office bearers and functionaries are concerned and we will all together be basking in the Love of beloved Swami. Sai Mission is like a beautiful tree giving fruits of Love and Service to the humanity. SSSCT, Prasanthi Nilayam is like the trunk of that tree. SSSIO and SSSSO (and related trusts and institutions) are the branches with beautiful canopy of brotherhood.The trunk and the branches are not independent but ‘inter dependent’. Let us remember that SAI is the source of all the sustenance for this tree.

I humbly submit at the Lotus Feet of beloved Swami and pray to Him to guide us forward.

With love and respect…

Ever in Sai Service,
R.J. Rathnakar

Managing Trustee


Please don’t react impulsively, kindly pause a while and think. Nearly half of the brothers and sisters who wrote letters to Central trust have sent me emails privately apologizing and the reasons why they had to write such unpleasant mails. Some brothers even went one step ahead and sent me video recordings of their zoom meetings. It looks very orchestrated. Many have expressed their disapproval of such instigation, though  privately with me. Anyway, we all are children of SAI and we very well understand the situation. I beseech each one of you, please don’t spread misinformation. Swami is the eternal witness to all our conversations and actions. It is all recorded in that supreme consciousness. So let us only spread truth and love lest our Divine Father be disappointed.